1907 U.S. Christmas Seal |
TB Charity Seals in the United States were issued by various
local and national societies. The first TB Charity Seal in the United States was issued by the Delaware Chapter of the American Red Cross. First issued in 1907 to save a small tuberculosis hospital in the State of Delaware. Thereafter, the seals were issued at Christmas by the American National Red Cross (ARC)
1908-1919, the National Tuberculosis Association
(NTA) 1920-1967, the National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association
(NTRDA) 1968-1972, and the American Lung Association (ALA) 1973- present.
Christmas TB Seals are
TB Charity Seals which were and are issued at Christmas. U.S. Christmas TB Seals are identified by
Green's Catalog of the Tuberculosis Seals of the World, Part 1, U.S. National
Christmas Seals, and Scott Catalog numbers.